Friday 14 October 2016

notes on climate chapter


Climate refers to the sum total of weather conditions and variations over a large area for a long period of time.
It is the sum total of weather conditions for larger area.
Eg: for a country:
It refers to state of atmosphere over an area at any point of time.
It is the total of weather conditions for limited area.
Eg: for a city
The elements of weather and climate are temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation.

The climate of India is monsoon type.
•Monsoon is derived from ‘mausim’which means season and it refers to the seasonal reversal in the wind direction during a year.
•In Asia, this type of climate is found mainly in south and south-east.

In summer the temperature of Rajasthan is about 50’C but in Jammu & Kashmir it’s 20’c.
In winter at J&K the temperature is -45’C but in Thiruvanantapuram its 22’C.
While precipitation is in the form of snowfall in upper parts of Himalyas, it rains over the rest of country.
Most parts receive rainfall from June to July but some like Tamil Nadu receive it even in the season of October and November.

The major controls of climate are:
1.Latitude : Due to curvature the amount of solar energy received varies according to it.
2.Altitude: As we go higher there is a decrease in temperature of 16’
3.Pressure and Wind system: As per latitude and altitude temperature and rainfall also influences the climate.
4.Distance from sea: The sea exerts moderating influence on climate, regions near sea experiences moderate climate.
5.Ocean Currents: It leads continentality which means very hot during summers and very cold during winters. 

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